The Flagship Tech Portfolio: May Update
The Flagship Tech Portfolio: December Update
The Flagship Tech Portfolio: August Update
The Flagship Tech Portfolio: May Update
The Flagship Tech Portfolio: March Update
The Flagship Tech Portfolio: January Update
The Flagship Tech Portfolio: December Update
The Moby Tech Strategy: October Update
The Moby Tech Strategy: End of August Update
The Moby Tech GARP Strategy: July Update
The Moby Tech GARP Strategy: June Update
Justin Kramer on 05/10/2022

The Moby Tech GARP Strategy: May Update

Welcome back to the ongoing saga of the Moby Tech GARP strategy. Our strategy seeks to outperform the market by investing in companies with above average earnings and revenue growth, but at non-extreme valuations. In short, we are looking for Growth at a Reasonable Price (GARP).

J Justin Kramer
The Moby Tech GARP Strategy: May Update
The Moby Technology GARP Strategy: April Update
The Moby Technology GARP Strategy: March Update
Justin Kramer on 02/23/2022

Moby's Tech GARP Quant Strategy

Today we’re introducing our newest quantitative-based portfolio – The Tech Sector GARP strategy (growth at a reasonable price).

J Justin Kramer
Moby's Tech GARP Quant Strategy